Sunday, April 12, 2015

Research Blog #8: Interview

Interview Between Larry King (Interviewer), Ed O'Bannon and Michael Hausfeld.

"...athletes are amateurs and as amateurs, in a paternalistic way, the university and the athletic departments have to protect these young people from exploitation from others; when in fact the very people that are exploiting them are the athletic departments themselves." -Michael Hausfeld

"the athletes have no voice in the enterprise as a whole as to how long they practice, when they practice, how much the games and practices interfere with their ability to study as well as denying them the compensation for injuries and leaving them as student-athletes without any ability to cover situations where they may suffer from concussions or becoming paraplegic." -Michael Hausfeld

"'s all about control, it is all about being able to put their [the NCAA's] thumb on your neck and you can only come up for air when we say you can, that's my personal opinion." -Ed O'Bannon

" is a paternalistic system that runs almost like a plantation mentality. This is the most massive group of workers who are being exploited in the modern history [...] and they have absolutely no voice in the enterprise which returns for the enterprise billions of dollars a year." -Michael Hausfeld

O’Bannon vs. NCAA: The Payment of College Athletes. Prod. Allison Marsh and Jason Rovou. Perf. Larry King, Ed O'Bannon and Michael Hausfeld. Ora TV. Ora TV, 20 Mar. 2014. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.

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